Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What to pack in your hospital bag

Sorry I am skipping around alot, I just think its more fun this way than in chronological order of pregnancy and birth!

Knowing when and what to pack for the Hospital can be daunting! I've heard of some girls packing their bags at 16 weeks and others packing in the midst of contractions that are 3 minutes apart!!!

Personally I packed maybe 4 weeks before! But I had a scheduled induction so I knew when I was going in, packing wise It was awesome!

For your labor you will want:
A picture ID
Any insurance information and cards you have
Your birth plan if you have one
And glasses if you wear them (you probably won't want to deal with contacts)
Toiletries- Pack a few personal items, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, lip balm, deodorant, a brush and comb, makeup, and a hair band or barrettes. Hospitals usually provide soap, shampoo, and lotion, but you might prefer your own.
I LOVED having my Robe with me
If you don't want to spend the next few days in a hospital gown bring a few pairs of pajamas or comfy sweats
Nursing bras
Big ole granny panties preferably ones you don't care if they are ruined
Gifts for Older children (from their new sibling to help them adjust)
A Going Home outfit
Bring anything else you want that will help you relax

** I brought my own pillow (I've worked in hospitals and you don't want to know what those pillows go through!) I brought massage oil, and my nook to read or play music!

For your Husband or Partner bring:
SNACKS (He will get hungry helping you through the contractions all day and you may not want him to leave to go get a snack in the cafeteria)
Camera and Video Camera with the batteries or chargers and memory cards
Change for vending machines
A few changes of clothes
His own pillow or blanket if he wants them

And Mostly Importantly

What to bring for your new baby:
An outfit or 2 (you probably won't use these in the hospital but you can if you want)
Your car seat
A receiving blanket

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trying to Get Preggers?

Well the hubby and I weren't necessarily trying to get pregnant... We just weren't trying NOT to!! We were at the point where we felt ready to handle it if it were to happen but terrified to actually start "trying".

The first step you should do is to have many serious discussions about parenthood. If you feel ready, how you will handle certain things, how you will afford it, which roles you feel you want to take on etc. Here is a fun quiz that just skims the surface on those types of conversations! Trust me parenthood is a roller coaster... and a half! You want to be as prepared as possible for the stresses it will cause on your marriage!

First and Foremost quit smoking and decrease your alcohol intake. Drinking can make getting pregnant harder! And don't get me started on what smoking can do to the baby!

Next you may want to check in with your doctor, discuss any concerns you have and talk about any issues that may arise. Most importantly discuss any over-the-counter medicines you may already be taking. Once you get the go ahead the FUN begins!

Your doctor will advise you to begin taking a Prenatal Vitamin! I really like the Spring Valley Brand, cause I'm cheap! The good doctors say that taking at least 400 mcg. of Folic Acid for the month before Conception reduces risk of Neural tube defects by up to %70! My doc also asked me to start taking a DHA supplement!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pre Plan Your Birthing Experience

Each of us have a different idea of what our birthing experience should be like. Although none of our ideas are going to be exactly accurate, you should write down a birthing plan or at least talk it over with your husband and doctor.You can find a template for birth planning here.
Things to be included in a birthing plan are:
plans for medication or not.

If the unexpected happens what procedures are to be followed. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
How long are you willing to wait if problems occur to have a possible C-Section.
Is a C-Section an option for you.
How specifically, will you manage pain.(There are many options out there both natural and prescription).
Decide now if you will breastfeed, and how long you will be willing to try if you find difficulties before you give up.
It is very helpful to have a plan, and also be ready for the unexpected. My birthing plan was stopped short when my baby was not receiving nutrients from the placenta and he stopped growing. they waited as long as the doctors dared for his development and then took him early. That is when the variations in my plan just begun.

Friday, January 20, 2012

About Me!

Hi there, my name is Kenzie

March 13, 2009 my life was flipped upside down when I met [him]

Then January 2011 we welcomed (in my opinion) the cutest little boy in the world into our family!

This blog is all about motherhood, my experiences as well as advice for all expecting mothers and mothers.

When you begin this incredible journey into motherhood it helps to have a friend to ask questions to, to laugh with and to buoy you up during those 3 am screaming sessions... I hope to be that or you!