Monday, April 9, 2012

How do induce Labor

Since I was induced early I never tried any of these, however I know people that it has worked for. It certainly couldn't hurt to try any of these ideas (except for the castrol oil yuck!)

I found that most suggestions fell into three categories:

things that have to do with gravity
things that have to do with hormones
and things that make your uterus contract with herbs and/or pressure.

So here goes:

Walking: I had to laugh at this one because it kind of implies that you haven't been upright until this point. It may be worth a try to waddle around the block a couple times maybe you could go for ice cream. Just don't walk so far that you have to give birth squatting in a far off field somewhere, you know, unless that's what you were going for.

Dancing: Nothing says "Work it, Hooker!" like a desperate, overdue pregnant woman busting a move on the dance floor. I didn't try this one but I totally would have cleared a bar top Coyote Ugly style and done the worm if I had been told it would kick start my labour.

Going up stairs two at a time: Yes, because I can remember what a specimen of fine cardiovascular health I was while pregnant. I wasn't great at climbing stairs before I was pregnant so unless the idea was for me to collapse from exhaustion then "bounce" the baby out of me while I tumbled down the stairs, then I doubt it would have worked for me but you may be in better shape.

Bounce on an exercise ball: Well, at least it's not climbing stairs and you can watch t.v. while doing it. You're supposed sit on the ball with your legs apart so your pelvis is open. I suggest you do this one when people are over and you want them to leave.

Sex: Sex makes you release a hormone called oxytocin which causes the uterus to contract. Now, from what I'm gathering, you kind of have to be keen on the sex to get this stuff going so if you're coming at it from a "I'd rather gargle glass than do this right now but I want this baby out of me" kind of place, it might not work. Although, semen is also supposed to soften your cervix

Nipple Stimulation: I don't know if it's just me, but this one makes me go "bleech" It is supposed to have the same effect as sex in that it's supposed to release oxtocin to get things started. I supposed it's worth a shot but, for the love of God, close your curtains.

Pineapple: Pineapple, papaya and mango, all contain an enzyme called bromelain which might help soften your cervix. Bromelain breaks down during the canning process so eat the fresh stuff. Although, it seems these fruits don't contain very large amounts of bromelain so you'd have to consume more than half-a-dozen of them to make a dent. It's not like eating six pineapples wouldn't do anything weird to your digestive system or anything.

Evening primrose oil: Evening primrose oil is a source of prostaglandins which is supposed to soften up your cervix for labour. You can take it orally (3-4, 500mg capsules daily) or apply it directly to your cervix by inserting an entire capsule into your vagina before bed so it works its magic over night. Personally, I'm not sure if this kind of tinkering should be done at home but it's mentioned a number of times online so I've included it here. By the way, don't be foolin' around with sticking stuff in your vagina if you've been diagnosed with placenta previa but hopefully, whoever diagnosed you with it has already given you a heads up on that one.

Red raspberry leaf tea: It sounds like red raspberry leaf tea doesn't kick start labour as much as it tones your uterus for it. I also found when I was researching herbal tea, the people that seemed to know what they were talking about recommended it throughout pregnancy and it was the conservative, mainstream sites that told you to stay away from it because it can induce labour.

I drank a swimming pool worth of this stuff when I was trying to go into labour with my first son and it didn't work. Although, I had a really fast recovery which one of the things this stuff is supposed to help with so maybe it did do the job.

Black and Blue Cohosh: Blue cohosh (papoose root) and black cohosh (snakeroot) are roots from two separate plants. It's recommended that cohosh only be used with the assistance of a trained health care provider like a midwife or a doula. I mean it's called "snakeroot" for christssake, you just know this shit isn't playing around.

Castor oil: Let's see, the theory behind this one is that consuming castor oil causes diarrhea and the cramps from the diarrhea cause sympathetic cramping in your uterus. You know, because labour isn't challenging enough without adding an assplosion to it.

Eating Certain Foods: There's no science behind this one but I can certainly get behind this one more than castor oil (at least if you end up on the toilet, you had a good time getting there). There are pizzas, eggplant parmesans and pasta sauces that all claim to start labour. Most of them contain basil and oregano, both of which have properties that are thought to start labour although, they don't sound like no snakeroot.

Spicy foods and licorice are also thought to be a bit of a bowel irritant which, not unlike castor oil, might cause sympathy cramping from your uterus. Just remember that whatever you are eating, somebody is going to be on the receiving end of this labour so unless you're going to do a field squat after your long walk (see "walking"), be considerate of your baby catcher. Just sayin'.

Accupressure: This is based on the same ideas as acupuncture but uses finger pressure instead of needles. Ideally you get somebody that knows where all the "buttons" are but I did find a ton of stuff where they showed you how to do it yourself. It's non-invasive and there are a lot of people that swear by it so get on YouTube to figure out what to do!

Gender Guessing

With my son I almost knew I was having a boy from very early on. I had bought a bunch of Disney's Car's themed Nursery gear by the time I was like 10 weeks! It was weird but when I went in to find out the sex I just knew I was right and just needed the confirmation!

Did any of you experience similar feelings? Were you right?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Family Planning- When to have the next child

A study in the February 25, 1999, New England Journal of Medicine reported a higher incidence of low birth weight and prematurity among babies conceived within six months
of a previous birth, compared to those conceived 18 to 23 months following the last baby.

Its such a tough decision, it best to have children one right after the other so they can play together and you get all your child-rearing done in the shortest time, or is it better to "space" them to make sure everyone gets enough attention and care? A lot of people think deciding to have baby number two is harder than choosing to have your first and I personally believe that to be true!

Everyone you know will have an opinion about when to have your children and how many to have, take their advice as a grain of salt. You know you and you know your family, only you and your husband and make these decisions!

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the average interval between first and second births is about 30 months for American women.

Waiting 18 to 23 months after the birth of your last child before conceiving another seems best for the new baby's health
, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine

If your worried about your children:
The best time is either when your first is under 1 year or over 4 years, in terms of the children's relationships with their parents, sibling rivalry, and their own self-esteem, according to Jeannie Kidwell, a professor of family studies at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Children under 1 don't have a sense of their exclusive status yet so they're less apt to resent a newcomer, she says, and those over 4 have had time to enjoy attention from Mommy and Daddy — plus, they now have a life of their own. -

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Post Partum Hair loss

This picture doesn't even begin to show how much hair I lost!

No one really told me that this hair loss would happen OR exactly how much hair I would shed! Imagine my surprise when gobs of my hair came out at once! Plus it went on for MONTHS! I thought it would never end... but eventually It did and thank goodness for that!

Pregnancy did a real number on my hair the regrowth stage after I lost it all was horrible!! I had thousands of short hairs along my part that always stood up straight no matter how much hair spray I used!

My hair loss was so crazy my vacuum broke! I had to pull out the thousands of hairs that got stuck in the roller part of the vacuum that had formed a sort of rope around the roller!

Be aware... this will happen to you, you will lose an astronomical amount of hair and be prepared for every surface of your home and car to start looking alot more like your hair color than anything else!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Unsolicited Advice

When you have a new baby it seems that everyone in the world wants to give you some advice. Often times you are trying to figure things out on your own and don't want to hear how others think you should do it. Keep your cool and simply reply to these "helpers" that you sure appreciate their advice but this is what works for you and your baby but you will keep that idea in mind for the future.

If someone truly oversteps their boundaries and continually tells you that you are doing things wrong I would advise you to stop associating with that person or firmly tell them to mind their business.

You might recognize however that other people have great ideas and tricks that will save you time or help you handle your baby better! Make sure your not so stubborn that you can't take some advice that might better your mommy skills!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

8 ways to deal with Anger as a parent

1. Recognize you can't control others, you can only control your response to them. Be positive. Set limits if needed. Recognize what is in your sphere of influence and what is not.

For example, I can't control that my toddler is teething and up all night. I can control how I act when he is screaming. :)

2. Choose to look for the good. Being nit picky or focusing too much on what your child is doing that is annoying you will make you more frustrated.

For example, if your child keeps saying, "No mommy" or hitting a sibling, instead of saying, "don't tell me no" or "stop hitting," think of what you want your child to be doing instead and tell them. Sometimes we forget that kids are just kids and they are still learning. Often we tell them what not to do... but they don't know what to do.

3. Give yourself a time out.

Remove yourself from the situation. When my son was a baby he had horrible colic, sometimes I would need to just set him in his crib and lie down to give myself a five minute break, it helped me be a better mom to him

4. Get plenty of sleep and eat well.

A coke and chocolate bar doesn't count. :)

5. Exercise regularly.

I totally notice the upbeat attitude I have about life in general when i exercise regularly. Its my little hour break from being a mommy everyday that I always look forward too!

6. Pray and seek inspiration.

I pray every day that I will have patience with my kids. I also pray that I will know how to be a good parent. During the hardest parts of the day, saying a quick prayer can help me get an instant boost.

7. Ask for help.

As I mentioned I am a full time college student, as well as mother and my husband works full time and goes to school full time... we stay busy. And I happen to have the best mom and mother in law ever, they come about every other week to help out (we live a few hours away from all of our family) I dont know how I would do it without them!

8. Spend time with friends or family who are supportive.

Nothing to turn my day around like taking my son to the park with a few other mommies who know what I'm going through! We can laugh at the hard moments and catch up on our lives. Friends are one of the biggest stress relievers I've found! Plus it gets me out of the house!
Compliments of

Friday, March 30, 2012

Diaper Bags

A well-stocked diaper bag can save the day. But what do you really need in there? It depends on how old your child is, how long you'll be out, where you're going, and how prepared you like to be.

The essentials
Diapers- One for each hour you'll be out, plus a few extra – just in case.
Wipes- You can stick ten or so in a plastic bag if you're not going out for long. Wipes are perfect not just for diaper changes, but also for sticky hands and dirty surfaces.
Hand sanitizer- For cleaning your hands after diaper changes when there's no time or place to wash them.
Changing pad- Many diaper bags come with a reusable changing pad, or you can buy one separately. Some parents like the disposable ones for traveling. A hand towel from home will also do.
Plastic or biodegradable bags- For storing soiled diapers, clothes, and baby blankets. Just make sure your child can't get to them, since plastic bags (including the biodegradable versions) pose a suffocation risk.
Bottle(s) of formula or expressed breast milk if you're bottle-feeding
Snacks (for older babies and toddlers)- Depending on the age of your child, this could include a jar of baby food and a spoon, or finger foods. Bring a few bibs as well.
Sippy cup of milk, water, or juice (for toddlers)
Blanket- You can use it to cover your baby or as a changing pad, nursing cover, bib, shade, or burp cloth.
Extra clothes for your child- You never know when spit-up, drool, spills, or poop explosions will necessitate a change of clothing.
Pacifier (if your child uses one) or other comfort item
Sunscreen or a hat to protect your child from the sun
Emergency information- Make sure you have the phone numbers of your family's doctors programmed in your cell phone and health insurance cards in your wallet. You may also want to fill out this emergency contacts worksheet and take a copy with you.

The extras
Diaper rash cream- Sample sizes often work well and take up less space.
Nail clippers- You never know when your little one will doze off and give you the perfect opportunity to clip those tiny nails.
Camera- Moments worthy of capturing can happen anywhere!
Nursing cover- For breastfeeding in public, these fabric drapes cover your chest and give more privacy than the basic blanket-over-the-shoulder approach.
Breast pads for nursing moms- Slip these in your bra to absorb breast milk leaks.
Sling or wrap for carrying your baby- Even if you're heading out with a stroller, you may prefer to park it and transfer your baby to a hands-free carrier if you're headed someplace crowded.
Toys, board books, and crayons and coloring pages or paper- Choose toys based on your outing and your child's age. A toddler going to a restaurant often requires a lot of entertaining distractions, while a 4-month-old may be happy with one rattle.
First-aid kit- You may want to include adhesive bandage strips, antibiotic cream, pain reliever, and other first-aid supplies.

Necessities for Mom

If you're not carrying a separate purse, make sure to pack your essentials, too! These may include:
Cell phone
Pen and paper
Snacks, mints, or gum
Bottle of water or other drink
Book or magazine
New shirt in case of spit-up or a spill

Diaper bag tips

A waterproof lining makes life easier when spills occur.
Multiple compartments can keep your items organized and easy to find.
Prevent leaks by packing medicines and snacks in resealable plastic bags.
Save time by packing similar items together, such as clothing, in a resealable bag.
Consider buying two diaper bags – a small one for quick trips and a larger one for longer outings. Some parents keep a basic diaper bag or changing supplies in the car at all times.
Try diaper bags on for size. No one bag is comfortable and convenient for everyone.
Sometimes the best diaper bags are those that are designed for other purposes, such as tote bags or backpacks. If you don't find something you think will work well for you, broaden your search.
- Courtesy of

Whats in your diaper bag???

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why you kids won't eat their veggies

I am taking a motivational psychology class this semester and learned some interesting info that all parents should know before they threaten their kids lives over a few bites of broccoli!!

Some Facts:
We're born preferring sweet tastes; we have to learn to like everything else. There's a good reason why we prefer sweet tastes.
Some sour or bitter substances are poisonous but very few sweet tasting things are.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago our prehistoric ancestors who ate sour or bitter things were more likely to perish, those who ate only sweet things were more likely to survive. Liking sweet tastes was a survival mechanism that has been passed down to us. Thousands of years ago it was adaptive.

Most of the time when a child refuses vegetables he's not being willful or malicious; the reluctance to try unfamiliar tastes was inherited.

So remember next time your child won't eat some foods that its due to biological and learned factors!

If your child was breastfed he may have a slight advantage in learning to like new foods because the taste of breast milk varied from day to day depending on what Mom's been eating. The breastfed baby is accustomed to different tastes so it's easier to try something new. In contrast, the taste of formula is always the same so it might take longer for a bottle fed infant to accept a new taste.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The one word that plagues many pregnancies.
Its easy to get caught up in all the stress and anxiety of wondering if your baby is ok but try not to.

If you are feeling good and your doctor says your baby is growing well, chances are things are good!

Most of the time we worry about things that are out of our control, we worry about things like genetic defects, disorders and the overall health of our babies, the only thing you can do to allay those things is to take care of yourself, which means worrying less!

Once the baby is born you may find yourself continually, obsessively worrying, talk with your doctor about it as that may be an indication of Post-partum depression.

Getting pregnant changes your life and means that you will probably experience mild worry for the duration of your life, worry about the child's eating, crawling, pooping, talking, which school they should go to and so on. But try not to get caught up in those distressing thoughts, Just ENJOY each moment with your child and appreciate their uniqueness!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Post Baby weight loss

The BIGGEST thing to remember here is that it took you 9 months to gain the weight and it may take you that long to lose it, although that depends on your body type, nutrition and exercise.

I gained about 25 lbs with my son, and I lost most of it within weeks but I had a lingering 4 lbs or so that took up to 3 or 4 months to get rid of.

DO NOT exercise before you are 6 weeks or before you have the go-ahead from your doctor! But some small exercises are encouraged right away, such as crunches, if you had a problem-free delivery. Always talk to your doctor about when you can start and what types you can do.

Remember Breastfeeding can shrink you back to your pre- pregnancy weight because it causes more (after pains) cramping which shrinks your uterus more quickly.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pre-Baby Bucket list

If you're starting to think about getting pregnant, I've already given you plenty of advice on all of the things you should be doing: getting your finances in order, taking prenatal vitamins, learning your company's maternity leave policy . . . but what about the fun stuff? The trips you want to take, and the splurges you want to make?

Now is a great time to sit down and think about what exactly you want to do before your life changes in the biggest and best way. This is one thing I didn't do that I wish I would have.

My pre-baby bucket list would've included taking that dream cruise the hubbs and I have been wanting to do for the last few years!

What does your Pre-baby bucket list look like?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Sleep.... the new mothers elusive goal

I can totally relate to those of who who's babies did not sleep. My son would wake up anywhere from 3-5 times a night until he was somewhere around 10 months old. It was AWFUL! I am one of those people who needs 8-9 hours to function, I used to love sleeping in whenever I could and I'll be the first to admit I probably slept too much. I had alot of friends with babies around my sons age and it seemed like all of their kids slept through the night from about 2 months on... I wanted to punch them haha just kidding but it was rough to say the least!

What I blame from my sons lack of sleep:
I never put my son on a real strict schedule he eventually fell into one around 5 months or so but next time I will try to make a schedule so that baby knows when its time to sleep and when its time to play.

What saved me:
The best support system ever, my parents and my in-laws! They would come and stay with us or we could go and stay with them and they would watch the baby the whole night! I don't think they will ever understand what a help that was. It rejuvenated me and helped me keep on keepin on.

One thing I did well:
I taught my son to fall asleep on his own, even now at 14 months I can lay him down in his crib and he will fall asleep on his own! WHAT A BLESSING!

Good luck with your babies and try and get some sleep whenever you can!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Food for the Mothers Soul

Dear President Benson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints tells us this:
"Young mothers and fathers, with all my heart I counsel you not to postpone having your children, being co-creators with our Father in Heaven.
Do not use the reasoning of the world, such as, “We’ll wait until we can better afford having children, until we are more secure, until John has completed his education, until he has a better-paying job, until we have a larger home, until we’ve obtained a few of the material conveniences,” and on and on.
This is the reasoning of the world, and is not pleasing in the sight of God. Mothers who enjoy good health, have your children and have them early. And, husbands, always be considerate of your wives in the bearing of children.
Do not curtail the number of your children for personal or selfish reasons. Material possessions, social convenience, and so-called professional advantages are nothing compared to a righteous posterity. In the eternal perspective, children—not possessions, not position, not prestige—are our greatest jewels."

How often to we find ourselves rationalizing this way and putting off our greatest duties as Mothers for selfish reasons. Its so easy to do and this article really helps put everything in perspective

Check out the full article HERE

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kony 2012

I know this has gone viral and alot of you already know about it but I wanted to take a minute to support this cause. We all love our children and want to protect them, lets help these poor children and stop Joseph Kony this year!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness usually refers to the nauseous feeling many women get during the first trimester.

Its important to note that:
morning sickness happens all throughout the day
Not all women experience morning sickness
morning sickness can happen all throughout your pregnancy
The intensity of morning sickness can and will vary woman to woman

Overall, this condition affects about three quarters of pregnant women during the first trimester. About half of all pregnant women suffer from both nausea and vomiting, one quarter has nausea alone, and one quarter lucks out altogether.

Here are some cures for Morning Sickness:
Eat small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day so your stomach is never empty. One small study found that high-protein foods were more likely to ease symptoms.

Keep simple snacks, such as crackers, by your bed. When you first wake up, nibble a few crackers and then rest for 20 to 30 minutes before getting up. Snacking on crackers may also help you feel better if you wake up nauseated in the middle of the night.

By the way, getting up slowly in the morning – sitting on the bed for a few minutes rather than jumping right up – may also be helpful.

Try to avoid foods and smells that trigger your nausea. If that seems like almost everything, it's okay to eat the few things that do appeal to you for this part of your pregnancy, even if they don't add up to a perfectly balanced diet.

It might also help to stick to bland foods. Also try to eat food cold or at room temperature, because food tends to have a stronger aroma when it's hot.

Avoid fatty foods, which take longer to digest. Also steer clear of rich, spicy, acidic, and fried foods, which can irritate your digestive system.

Try drinking fluids mostly between meals. And don't drink so much at one time that your stomach feels full, as that will make you less hungry for food. A good strategy is to sip fluids frequently throughout the day. You might find cold, carbonated beverages easiest to keep down.

Aim to drink about a quart and a half altogether. If you've been vomiting a lot, try a sports drink that contains glucose, salt, and potassium to replace lost electrolytes.

Watch for non-food triggers, too. A warm or stuffy room, the smell of heavy perfume, a car ride, or even certain visual stimuli, like flickering lights, might set you off. Avoidance of triggers can become an important part of your treatment.

Nausea can become worse if you're tired, so give yourself time to relax and take naps if you can. Watching a movie (preferably not one about food!) or visiting with a friend can help relieve stress and take your mind off your discomfort.

Try taking your prenatal vitamins with food or just before bed. You might also want to ask your healthcare provider whether you can switch to a prenatal vitamin with a low dose of iron or no iron for the first trimester, since this mineral can be hard on your digestive system.

Try ginger, an alternative remedy thought to settle the stomach and help quell queasiness. See if you can find ginger ale made with real ginger. (Most supermarket ginger ales aren't.) Grate some fresh ginger into hot water to make ginger tea, or see if ginger candies or crystallized ginger helps.

Try an acupressure band, a soft cotton wristband that's sold at drugstores. You strap it on so that the plastic button pushes against an acupressure point on the underside of your wrist. This simple and inexpensive device, designed to ward off seasickness, has helped some pregnant women through morning sickness – although research suggests that it may be largely a placebo effect.

Ask your provider about a device that stimulates the underside of your wrist with a mild electric current. This "acustimulation" device is safe, though it can cause local skin irritation. (Be sure to use the gel that comes with it to help prevent this from occurring.)

Also try Vitamin B6, no one knows exactly why this helps but I know many women who swear by this. Banana and Avocado are great natural sources of B6. However you can buy supplements, 10-25 milligrams 3 times a day is whats normally recommended for vomiting and nauseous women. Talk to your doctor about the right supplement for you!

I'm Pregnant, now what?

One of the things I was most surprised about when I became pregnant is that you don't actually have your first doctors appointment until you are anywhere from 8-12 weeks pregnant! WHAT!!!!

I felt like now that I was pregnant I needed to hurry up and see a doctor to make sure everything was ok, it was alot of a hurry up and wait process. Once you have a positive pregnancy test you will wait anywhere from 1-2 more months to even see a doctor.

Pregnancy is a huge waiting game and a great time to learn patience for when that child becomes a toddler!

In the mean time eat right, exercise and enjoy this exciting time!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Just" a Mom

And what do you do?

It’s such a common question.

For a while, my answer was “Oh, I’m just a mom.”

Just a mom.

Like I was passing it off as not much, like I couldn’t possibly be busy. Like what I do isn’t important because I don’t have an official job title or paycheck.

As a college student I am asked all the time, so what do you want to do when you graduate? And part of me really wants to be able to answer that I'll be doing some high power executive work, as if it will make me a more valuable or interesting person to talk to because I am more and want to be more than just a mom.

Its something I know a lot of women around me want to do, "just be a mom" but they would never admit it to their professors and peers in classes. Wanting just to be a stay at home mom is something so many people feel embarrassed about when really
It’s not something to be ashamed of or something that should be said with an apologetic tone in my voice.

Being just a mom is what I want to be.

I cant fathom not being able to be there for every second of my son's life. I want to be the son to put him down for his morning naps, the one who cleans up after his messy "lunches" with peanut butter in my hair, the one who played with her son all morning and hasn't had the time to put make up on yet. To me that is life, that is love and that is what I want

At some point, Hubs and I figured I’ll go back to school and get my nursing degree when our youngest is in school full-time. But, that’s YEARS away. I’m thankful for now to be able to share all the little moments with my son.

So, I’ll stay just a mom for a while longer.

And be here for every moment: whether it’s the tough stuff or the sweet, frustrating, fun, repetitive, special, or every day. In my life as just a mom, I get to see it all.

I know that to some, that seems really boring: I assure you, I’m never bored. And to others, being just a mom is something they wish they could do: trust me when I say that it has taken a lot of sacrifice to make it possible.

Though what someone else thinks of my choice to be just a mom is their own opinion and doesn’t have anything to do with the choice that my family has made.

The choice that I’m completely happy with.

Even in the midst of last semester craziness when my boy wants to run around and forget about his naps all day, when my husband is working full time and finishing his last semester of college, and I don’t get a break- I know that the right choice for me is to be just a mom.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Babies and T.V.

Ok I don't want to get up on my soap box here but I felt it was important to blog about tv especially as parents now days are using it more and more with their babies and toddlers.

I have heard SO many people comment about how kids are never outside anymore. People saying "when I was young I was outside running around with my friends and kids these days don't do that anymore" And Its my firm belief that we are conditioning our kids from birth to sit there and watch tv.

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies under age 2 watch no TV at all and toddlers older than 2 watch no more than an hour of Quality shows

A Quality show is Slower-paced viewing that gives your toddler time to think about what he's watching and absorb the information. Lots of action and quickly changing images will only confuse him or make his eyes glaze over.

A study done by the Kaiser Family Foundation found:
two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day
kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs
kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games
REALLY? This is SICK people!

I can understand from time to time turning on the tv to give yourself a 10 minute break, we're all real people and need an escape sometimes but I think the tv is being abused by parents

Your child needs play time to develop physically, socially and emotionally, so take the time to give your child one and one attention, forget your laundry and cleaning the house to get on your knees and play yourself silly, your child will only be this small for so long.

Take your toddler to the park or just anywhere outside and show them the world you both deserve it!

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Just Wait"

Just read this and loved it! Made me cry! Sorry it's long!

As I wait at Target, a young couple pushes a stroller in the line behind me. The stroller, brand new, appears to be on its maiden voyage. I peer at the tiny sleeping newborn, his fingers curled up near his ruddy face.

“You guys do good work!” I comment. The parents beam with pride, but the weariness in their eyes lets me know that they are all still in the process of getting to know each other. The lady behind the couple glances at the stroller as well, and asks. “Is this your first?” They nod proudly. ”Just wait…” she snorts, and then follows with a comment about unruly teenagers.

Inwardly, I wince. We seem to live in a country overrun by a great lot of negative naysayers when it comes to parenting. I remember hearing comments like that when I was a new (and overwhelmed!) mom. It seemed that many parents were suffering from a chronic case of disappointment and dissatisfaction called ”Just-Wait-itis,” characterized by the inflammation of impending doom in parenthood….I felt trapped in a swirl of know-it-alls who were warning me that the worst was yet to come.

Of course, now that my kids are teenagers, I know the truth. Parenting is complicated; it’s wonderful and challenging. Exhausting and gut wrenching. Heart warming and heart breaking.

And, at the outset, parenting can be utterly daunting. It just doesn’t help when others douse young parents with stories leading to doubt and despair.

Instead, we seasoned moms could infuse joy into our “just waits…” As I regard this weary pair, I think of so many things I could say…

Just wait until your preschool son sees you in the hallway at pick up time and covertly grins and waves to you. (It’s the best flirting in the world.)

Just wait until you watch your kindergartener jump off the bus after that first day, triumphant and tired, melting into your arms.

Just wait until your son is up to bat, and strikes out, holding it together despite disappointment. And just wait until the crack of the bat meeting the ball surprises him and he races to first base…safe.

Just wait until your daughter stands up for a classmate who is struggling, and her peers, humbled, apologize.

Just wait until your child, painfully tethered to tubes and machines in the hospital, whispers, “I just want my mommy.” (and you are suddenly aware that your presence is more powerful than any prescription.)

Just wait until your son gets his very first summer job and he is, unmistakably, walking taller and more confidently as a result.

Just wait until your child’s quick sense of humor makes you double over with laughter.

Just wait until you hear your son invite a friend to church.

Just wait until your daughter receives her first college acceptance and you find yourself overcome with tears…not because she’s leaving, but because she’s ready.

The baby in the stroller whimpers, breaking my reverie.

I smile at the couple and look them straight in the eye.

“You have so much joy ahead of you…” I remark…

“Just wait.”

Thursday, February 2, 2012


It seems like most every pregnancy has complications associated with it. I wanted to give some advice about how to handle the stresses that complications can cause.

Most Importantly
Remember that these complications are not your fault!!!

I had such a smooth sailing pregnancy, barely sick or uncomfortable at all and I really enjoyed being pregnant. Well I went in for my 36 week appointment only to find that my belly had not grown in the month since my last appointment. We went in for ultrasounds and testing to find out that the placenta was just really crappy and he wasn't getting all the nutrients he needed to continue to get even bigger. I was then put on bed rest for a week and a half until finally at 37.5 weeks of pregnancy I was induced.

At that appointment my doctor took me into her office and scared the crap out of me, I think she wanted me to be realistic about what was happening and to know that it was serious but the way she told me was hard to handle. The week and a half following was pure torture, counting all of his movements all day long and trying to eat as much as I could to get more to him...

In short It was awful

The best way to handle complications is to not worry as
Stress takes energy and strain on the baby

Easy to say hard to do right?

My advice: REST ALOT, invite a friend over to keep your mind off things, get netflixs and watch a whole season or 2 or 5 of your favorite tv. show.. basically do anything you can to keep your mind off things and make time pass more quickly.

Try to keep perspective if your on bed rest for a month think about how big a month is in reference to your whole life thus far, its not long right? you can do it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Are you in Labor?

Some women just "know" they are in labor while others do not. Throughout my pregnancy I was worried about how to know when I was in labor and how to know when exactly to go to the hospital, but as I've mentioned I ended up being induced and didn't have to worry about that after all!

So signs of labor include:
Lightening (baby moves down, this will make you have to pee ALOT)
Passing of the mucus plug (may be clear, pink or bloody)
Contractions (regular hardening of your uterus) Real labor gets progressively mroe painful!
Water breaking (you will know.... haha)
Effacement and dilation of the cervix

**Note if your water breaks you will be having the baby in the next 24 hours!

So then you might wonder when you should go to the hospital and the answer is when you think you are in active labor which is usually characterized by strong contractions that last 45 to 60 seconds and occur 3 to 4 minutes apart.

If you aren't sure your in active labor click here to check out characteristics of true labor!

My biggest piece of advice to offer is this: if you truly think you are in labor call your doctor or go to labor and delivery and have them check you out. If it turns out its not labor yet, there's no reason to be embarrassed and if you are CONGRATULATIONS!!

Bringing Baby Home

HOLY COW! This is it, you finally got to hold your sweet baby in your arms and now you get to take him/her home!!!!

Now what?!

For me well I thoroughly enjoyed my hospital stay and was nervous and scared to take my son home and be %100 responsible for his care! I knew all the basics of child care and thought of myself as knowledgeable if anything were to go wrong what this moment can tend to be intimidating!

One thing I recommend is to have someone come stay with you and help, for me is was my mom! What would I have done without her!!

She cooked for us, cleaned up after us, I could bring my screaming baby to her when I was too exhausted to even think.... in short it was the best choice I ever made to invite her to stay with us!

If you have time, before you go to the hospital do a thorough cleaning of your house, trust me you'll be so happy to walk into a spotless home when your a nervous wreck about keeping your baby healthy.

Also make mass amounts of your families favorite meals for the weeks precluding the birth and freeze it! You will save yourself hundreds of dollars worth of take out and be eating healthy!

And finally... ENJOY this time! You will never have this baby as small again so enjoy all the little moments. Don't worry about hair or make up just spend as much time as you can being with your new little one, the time will pass much to quickly

Cuddle often. Smile much and love always.

Exercise during Pregnancy

Just do it!
Don't tell yourself that you are pregnant so you no longer need to eat right or exercise! Pretty much everyone I know quit exercising while they were pregnant and they all wish they had continued!

Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel your best. Regular exercise during pregnancy can improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue. There is evidence that physical activity may prevent gestational diabetes (diabetes that develops during pregnancy), relieve stress, and build more stamina needed for labor and delivery.- Web MD.

Now I can only tell you what my doc told me. This may not apply to everyone so on your first appointment discuss with your doctor what exercises you can do and what not to do. I have always been active and exercised regularly so my doctor advised me to continue doing what I was doing. The ONLY thing she told me not to do was squats with weights!

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most if not all days of the week, unless you have a medical or pregnancy complication.

Here are some exercises that are optimal for preggers
brisk walking
indoor stationary cycling
step or elliptical machines
and low-impact aerobics (taught by a certified aerobics instructor).

Things I did where: Zumba the whole time and loved it, weight lifting and moderate jogging

Just please remember Your pregnant, not terminally ill! Sleeping and sitting on the couch all day isn't good for you and it certainly isn't good for your baby. Get up and get moving, not only will you feel better but your baby will have many benefits such as a stronger heart when it is born!
Click here to see 7 great benefits for exercise during pregnancy!

Pregnancy Weight gain

Pregnancy weight gain is a topic on most every pregnant woman's mind! I found this sweet little calculator to help you know how much weight you should gain based on your height and pre-pregnancy weight!

But tells us that the idea is this:

If your pre-pregnancy weight was in the healthy range for your height (a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), you should gain between 25 and 35 pounds, gaining 1 to 5 pounds in the first trimester and about 1 pound per week for the rest of your pregnancy for the optimal growth of your baby.

If you were underweight for your height at conception (a BMI below 18.5), you should gain 28 to 40 pounds.

If you were overweight for your height (a BMI of 25 to 29.9), you should gain 15 to 25 pounds. If you were obese (a BMI of 30 or higher), you should gain between 11 and 20 pounds.

If you're having twins, you should gain 37 to 54 pounds if you started at a healthy weight, 31 to 50 pounds if you were overweight, and 25 to 42 pounds if you were obese.

Now don't go and freak out if you are not exactly within this range. I had a weird experience with my weight gain while pregnant. I only gained like 3 lbs for up to 25 weeks but by the end of my pregnancy I had gained 22 lbs. I tried to eat like crazy but I sure didn't look like it. I ended up having a problem with my placenta where it wasn't growing at the rate it should have and ended up with a 5.5 lb healthy baby in the end.

Boy or Girl??

That is the question on everyone's mind!!

I was dying from the second I found out I was pregnant to see what we were having. It just didn't seem real until I knew whether it was a boy or girl, until I could start fantasizing about baby names or his/her future.

Early on I just knew we were having a boy. I can't tell you what it was but call it mothers intuition. I was so overly excited I had literally gotten boy clothes and a huge Cars (the Disney movie) dresser by 12 weeks or so... ya I'm that girl!

When i went in for my check up at 14 weeks my Midwife told me I could schedule my ultrasound for anytime after 18 weeks.... bummer! I was dying to find out so I checked out my options.

I live in Southern Utah.. a short 3 hours from Vegas where all your dreams come true (or go up in flames) So I searched for a "Fetal Fotos" in Salt Lake or Vegas. Imagine my surprise when a ton of hits came up for Vegas. I started researching these places and they seem legit. They offered 50+ pictures of the ultrasound, a movie of the whole thing set to music of your choosing and gender identification all for only 50 dollars!

Now if you are going to do this make sure that the ultrasound technicians are licensed and that the company offers a guarantee for the Gender ID. But all in all it was an awesome experience I will most likely repeat with all my children. It was a mini vacation and Gender reveal all in one!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What to pack in your hospital bag

Sorry I am skipping around alot, I just think its more fun this way than in chronological order of pregnancy and birth!

Knowing when and what to pack for the Hospital can be daunting! I've heard of some girls packing their bags at 16 weeks and others packing in the midst of contractions that are 3 minutes apart!!!

Personally I packed maybe 4 weeks before! But I had a scheduled induction so I knew when I was going in, packing wise It was awesome!

For your labor you will want:
A picture ID
Any insurance information and cards you have
Your birth plan if you have one
And glasses if you wear them (you probably won't want to deal with contacts)
Toiletries- Pack a few personal items, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, lip balm, deodorant, a brush and comb, makeup, and a hair band or barrettes. Hospitals usually provide soap, shampoo, and lotion, but you might prefer your own.
I LOVED having my Robe with me
If you don't want to spend the next few days in a hospital gown bring a few pairs of pajamas or comfy sweats
Nursing bras
Big ole granny panties preferably ones you don't care if they are ruined
Gifts for Older children (from their new sibling to help them adjust)
A Going Home outfit
Bring anything else you want that will help you relax

** I brought my own pillow (I've worked in hospitals and you don't want to know what those pillows go through!) I brought massage oil, and my nook to read or play music!

For your Husband or Partner bring:
SNACKS (He will get hungry helping you through the contractions all day and you may not want him to leave to go get a snack in the cafeteria)
Camera and Video Camera with the batteries or chargers and memory cards
Change for vending machines
A few changes of clothes
His own pillow or blanket if he wants them

And Mostly Importantly

What to bring for your new baby:
An outfit or 2 (you probably won't use these in the hospital but you can if you want)
Your car seat
A receiving blanket

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trying to Get Preggers?

Well the hubby and I weren't necessarily trying to get pregnant... We just weren't trying NOT to!! We were at the point where we felt ready to handle it if it were to happen but terrified to actually start "trying".

The first step you should do is to have many serious discussions about parenthood. If you feel ready, how you will handle certain things, how you will afford it, which roles you feel you want to take on etc. Here is a fun quiz that just skims the surface on those types of conversations! Trust me parenthood is a roller coaster... and a half! You want to be as prepared as possible for the stresses it will cause on your marriage!

First and Foremost quit smoking and decrease your alcohol intake. Drinking can make getting pregnant harder! And don't get me started on what smoking can do to the baby!

Next you may want to check in with your doctor, discuss any concerns you have and talk about any issues that may arise. Most importantly discuss any over-the-counter medicines you may already be taking. Once you get the go ahead the FUN begins!

Your doctor will advise you to begin taking a Prenatal Vitamin! I really like the Spring Valley Brand, cause I'm cheap! The good doctors say that taking at least 400 mcg. of Folic Acid for the month before Conception reduces risk of Neural tube defects by up to %70! My doc also asked me to start taking a DHA supplement!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pre Plan Your Birthing Experience

Each of us have a different idea of what our birthing experience should be like. Although none of our ideas are going to be exactly accurate, you should write down a birthing plan or at least talk it over with your husband and doctor.You can find a template for birth planning here.
Things to be included in a birthing plan are:
plans for medication or not.

If the unexpected happens what procedures are to be followed.
How long are you willing to wait if problems occur to have a possible C-Section.
Is a C-Section an option for you.
How specifically, will you manage pain.(There are many options out there both natural and prescription).
Decide now if you will breastfeed, and how long you will be willing to try if you find difficulties before you give up.
It is very helpful to have a plan, and also be ready for the unexpected. My birthing plan was stopped short when my baby was not receiving nutrients from the placenta and he stopped growing. they waited as long as the doctors dared for his development and then took him early. That is when the variations in my plan just begun.

Friday, January 20, 2012

About Me!

Hi there, my name is Kenzie

March 13, 2009 my life was flipped upside down when I met [him]

Then January 2011 we welcomed (in my opinion) the cutest little boy in the world into our family!

This blog is all about motherhood, my experiences as well as advice for all expecting mothers and mothers.

When you begin this incredible journey into motherhood it helps to have a friend to ask questions to, to laugh with and to buoy you up during those 3 am screaming sessions... I hope to be that or you!